How do I change my ordering strategy?


Our aim is to ensure your orders arrive precisely when you need them. That's why your Bottomless scale learns from your consumption patterns and adjusts the timing of your automatic reorders accordingly.

You're free to provide feedback to improve the timing of your reorders, especially if you feel like your orders are arriving too early or too late. This can be done by adjusting your ordering strategy.

Here's how to change your ordering strategy:

  1. Log in to your account: and click on the gear icon labeled "SETTINGS" on the left side of your screen.

  1. Scroll down to the "ORDERING STRATEGY" section on the SETTINGS page. When you sign up, the default mode is "JUST RIGHT," where the priorities balance between not running out and keeping your product fresh.

  2. If you prefer to receive orders faster, select "NEVER RUN OUT." For the opposite effect, choose "AS FRESH AS POSSIBLE."

    Click on the "Save" button once you've decided on your new ordering strategy.