Return & Refund Policy


Return & Refund Eligibility:

Products can be returned only on a case-by-case basis after discussing with customer service at or (206) 260-0782. Requests must be made within 30 calendar days of the order delivery date.

Orders that do not meet a customer’s order specifications are eligible for refunds. Order specification dimensions include but are not limited to roaster/brand, product type, size variant, grind level, and origin.

Gift cards and orders that are paid for with free credits are not eligible for a refund; instead, an additional free credit can be applied.

Return & Refund Process:

Contact or (206) 260-0782 requesting a return/refund.

Purchased Product:

If the return request meets eligibility criteria, customer support will issue a refund, which may take 5-10 business days to appear in the customer's account statement. If the initial credit card used is expired, invalid, or removed, a new credit card will be required.

Products Purchased with Credits:

If the return request meets eligibility criteria, customer support will apply a free credit to the account within 2 business days.

To return products, write ‘RTS’ (return to sender) on the packaging and place it in the outgoing mail. If the shipping label is lost or unusable, contact customer support for a new one.